Refund Policy

Our Rules

Rule 1

If the card is in the approved state but has not been received. If we have not yet credited the card you'll get a refund in the event that you are able to claim.

Rule 2

If a refund is requested within 3-7 business days of getting the payment. However, if the item or service is distributed legally it is not possible to request the refund.

Rule 3

Refund claims can only be made for specific items, not the entire range you bought. For pre-loaded cards the return policy won't be applicable. In some instances, we can offer a 50percent refund.

Rule 4

Only in the event that the claim is legitimate will the cost be reimbursed. Processing fees are not reimbursed. Refunds will be made after confirming the information. Be patient.

Rule 5

There's no case if you pay someone money from your wallet even if the transaction isn't accurate. In addition, withdrawing funds from your account is irrevocable.

Rule 6

The deposit will be credited as a reimbursement. For refunds of an amount in any way, will not employ any form of payment.

Refund Policy FAQ

Have I received my return products if you're an International customer?

Why would we not? The return policies we have are efficient for everyone. Our primary goal is customer satisfaction. goal, and you'll be able to take advantage of all our advantages regardless of where anywhere in the world.

What should I do if I'm order hasn't yet been delivered?

In the event that one of your purchases is never delivered in a couple of days after completion I'll inform you. If you don't gain any benefits, you are entitled to the refund.